Friday, May 21, 2010

CRS/RAC/ASM Cleanup Steps

RAC Cleanup Steps
CRS Cleanup Steps
ASM Cleanup Steps

RAC Cleanup Steps [as install user (non-root)]: Top

1. Set the following env variables on all the nodes: [View oratab file for SID & ORACLE_HOME. Click here to see location of oratab for various OS]
• setenv ORACLE_HOME
• setenv ORACLE_SID
• For e.g. If SID name is "orcl", then instance name on 1st node would be "orcl1" and on 2nd node "orcl2", and on
• setenv PATH $ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH

2. Stop EM: emctl stop dbconsole (on all nodes)

3. Stop Database: srvctl stop database -d

4. Stop nodeapps: srvctl stop nodeapps –n

5. Grep all the processes running under install Oracle Home; if yes, kill them (on all nodes)
• ps -ef | grep $ORACLE_HOME
• kill -9

6. Delete the RAC installation folder (installed Oracle Home for RAC)

7. Delete the data folder for the current installation of RAC in mounted shared data folder (e.g /oradbshare/storage/oradata)

CRS Cleanup Steps [as root user]:

1. Delete the below mentioned lines from inittab file (generally these lines appears as last rows): [Click here to see the location of inittab file for various OS]
• h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.evmd run >/dev/null 2>&1 • h2:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.cssd fatal >/dev/null 2>&1 • h3:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.crsd run >/dev/null 2>&1

2. Stop crs processes: stop [Click here to see the location of for various OS]

3. Delete some of the files in /etc folder by the following command:
• cd /etc; rm -rf ora*; rm -rf init.d/init.*; rm -rf inittab.*crs*; rm -rf rc2.d/ rc2.d/; rm -rf rc3.d/ rc3.d/; rm -rf rc5.d/ rc5.d/; rm -rf /etc/rac_on; rm -rf /var/opt/oracle; rm -rf /etc/ORCLuster ; rm -rf /tmp/Ora* ; rm -rf /tmp/.oracle ; rm -rf /var/opt/.oracle ; rm -rf /var/tmp/.oracle

4. Grep for crs|css|evm processes, if they are running, kill them.
• ps -ef | egrep 'css|crs|evm'
• kill -9

5. Cleanup network adaptors [Click here to see the steps for various OS]

1. Delete CRS Home, oraInventory: rm -rf

2. Delete CRS files from shared data folder [ocr & voting disk]:

a. If NAS/CFS/GPFS storage was used: rm
a. If the storage type is RAW for OCR, Voting disk, clean up them using below commands: (e.g for OCR, RAW device: /dev/raw/raw1; for Voting disk, RAW device: /dev/raw/raw2)
o cd /dev/raw
o dd if=/dev/zero of=raw1 count=102400 (for OCR)
o dd if=/dev/zero of=raw2 count=20480 (for Voting disk)
o chmod 660 raw1
o chown :
o e.g.: chown aime:svrtech /dev/raw/raw1

ASM Cleanup Steps:

1. Connect to Database instance (ORACLE_SID = ) in other nodes
• SQL> shutdown immediate

2. Shutdown all other processes associated with the database (listener, dbconsole…)

3. Connect to ASM instance (ORACLE_SID = +ASM1/2) as sysdba

4. Make sure OSM_INSTALL_TEST environment variable

5. Shutdown the ASM instances from both nodes
• SQL> shutdown immediate;
• SQL>Startup nomount;

6. Diskgroup must be mounted in order to be able to drop the diskgroup:
• SQL> alter diskgroup mount;
eg : alter diskgroup data mount;
• SQL> drop diskgroup including contents;
eg : drop diskgroup data including contents
• SQL> shutdown immediate;

File Locations Top

OS ORATAB FILE Location INITTAB File Location Location Network adaptor Cleanup Commands
Check for Network adaptor Cleanup Command
Linux /etc/oratab /etc/inittab /etc/init.d/ ifconfig -a | more If something like ‘eth1: 1’ is seen, remove that by running the following

ifconfig del

e.g.: ifconfig eth0:1 del

HP-UX /etc/oratab /etc/inittab /sbin/init.d/ /usr/bin/netstat -nr /usr/sbin/ifconfig
SunOS /var/opt/oracle/oratab /etc/inittab /etc/init.d/ ifconfig -a |

more ifconfig down unplumb

AIX /etc/oratab /etc/inittab /etc/ ifconfig -a | more

ifconfig delete

Command to start VNC server Top

OS VNC server command

Linux /usr/local/bin/vncserver
HP-UX /usr/local/bin/vncserver
SunOS /usr/local/bin/rvncserver
AIX /usr/local/bin/vncserver

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